Working with both sides of the brain:



Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) has been an invaluable therapy approach since the 1980s. Many research studies have been done to test how effective it is.

EMDR uses the two sides of the brain - the right and left hemispheres – in a process called Bilateral Stimulation. BLS mimics Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep patterns. It is believed that during BLS and REM, both sides of the brain are activated and this helps ease the way for memories to be stored in more useful places in the brain and the body.

Why is that important?  During traumatic incidents, the brain isn’t able to do its usual job of integrating thoughts, feelings, body sensations, along with details. When this adaptive functioning is impaired by traumatizing events, these elements aren’t integrated and it’s one of the reasons you get flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, and body sensations which are connected to the traumatic events.

How would EMDR look during our sessions?  First, I’ll help you gain skills that will soothe you and help you cope when the trauma reminders happen. This will build your confidence that you’re able to take care of yourself and regulate the reminders when you’re not in session.  When you’ve mastered these skills and have made them a part of your life, we’ll begin the work on the incidents. Stimulating both hemispheres of your brain can be done either visually or through the use of tapping. Many people who used EMDR experience a lower level of disturbance as they have gone through the EMDR process. In many cases, trauma survivors have reported either a significant diminishment or even elimination of PTSD symptoms. Through EMDR, they’ve been able to regain control of their lives and experience more pleasure at being in the moment instead of helplessly reliving the past abuse.

EMDR therapists are few and far between due to the extensive training needed to be a competent EMDR provider. Over the years I’ve worked with clients through EMDR and it was a privilege to be part of their healing through this tool. I hope you’ll be one of them.

To schedule your free 30-minute online consultation, please see below.


EMDR is one of the most highly researched therapy techniques to use with post-traumatic stress disorder.